
FOCUS □ GLOBALFRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS Global Framework Agreements: Compliance SinceAgreements (GUFs) the have 1990s, (GFAs) been Global signing with Union transnational Global Federations Framework com- (GUFs)havebeensigning GlobalFramework Agreements (GFAs)with transnational companies ,sometimes initiated bynational unionsin thehomecountry ofthecompany. Fornearly as long,debateovertheeffectiveness ofsuchvoluntary instruments ofsocialresponsibility hasarisen. Now,ata point whentheInternational TradeUnion Confederation (ITUC)isseeking a rolefor itself in GFAs, possibly withILO involvement, itmight be wiseto examinethepractical implementation of GFAs,andnecessary elements tovoluntary complianceandenforcement . A GFAis a pactbetweena companyand its employees, through recognised trade unions includinga GUForGUFs.GFAscommit a company to respecting globallabourstandards andtorespect othercitedbenchmarks ofethicalhuman,environmental andother conduct inallitsworldwide operations. Thebasicpremise behindGFAsisthat thebeststandards adoptedbya company inany one workplaceoughtto be standardised everywhereithasworkplaces . Atbase is adherenceto languagespellingout recognised globalstandards ontrade unionrights, namely ILOConventions 87and98andoftentimes others, as wellas international socialinstruments like the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, theILOTripartite Declaration ofPrinciplesConcerning Multinational Enterprises, and other globally recognised frameworks. Language regarding workplace healthand safety and good stewardship oftheenvironment are commonin GFAs, asistraining, education, andcareer enhancement , whichisseenas beneficial tobothworkers and employers regarding quality oflifeimprovement andemployee longevity that buildssustainablebusinesses . Inorder tomakeGFAswork, thesetenets must betested frequently through localactions andconstant engagement betweenlevelsofmanagement andGUFs,national andlocalunionsandworkers on theshop floor. An effective GFAis one that delivers benefits toboth parties; recognition, respect, andcontinual dialoguefortradeunions,tangible workplaceimprovements forstaff and authentic socialcredibility forcompanies.A GFAmustbe seenas a tool,notanendinitself. Itisnotanalternative toa localcollective agreement, butifimplementedand maintained properly, itcan be the backdrop fora trusting, consensual, constructive labour-management relationship that improves the livesofworkers. Itiscrucial toremember that GFAsarenot"agreements " inanyformal senseoftheword.Thereis nothing binding in them, thereare onlynarrow check-and-balance systems, andcompanies sometimes viewthem, unfortunately, as a publicrelationsexercise ,perhapsunderstanding thatthey cannotgetsimilar attention withinternal codesof conduct. EvolutionofGFAs GUFshaveplaceddifferent priority levelsonGFAs. Somehavestopped trying toattain them altogether. Others diligently negotiate them, againsometimes with national affiliates, sometimes not, only toleave them sitidleandgather dust.Other GUFssetnumbersas goalstoachieveGFAswithlittle regard to thelanguagecontained init. Inherentin the signingof GFAs,the ICEM believes,is a dutyto putthemintoplayatcompanyworksites . There isalsoa duty toreview them regularly withcompanies inorder toimprove and add language.The ICEMstrives to presson the practical implementation ofcommitments made inside GFAs. Thishasbasically followed twotracks. One is jointmissions withthecompany tomonitorspecific languageintheagreement. Thismight includeworkers' rights, health andsafety, ornew technologies orjobskills. Theother isseeking out, exposing, andthen correcting infractions that occur on thelocallevel. To be effective, this latter method ofcompliance dependsoncommunication, networking andtimeliness .Ittakesconsistent communication andnetworking between theunionpartners anditmeans thorough analysis onwhattopresent senior managersandhowtopresent itso that corrections are immediately made.Toooften, senior corporate leadersfail tocommunicate GFAcommitments toregional andlocalmanagers, andGUFs- inthe"gatheringdust " scenario - fail toengagenational andlocal unionson proper implementation ofGFAs. Thislastpoint isa serious flaw ontheunionside ofGFAs.It is vitally important thatGUFsbuild company networks with national andlocalunions, urging themto probetheir worksites to ensure compliance. Itis also important thatGUFsbuild thecapacity forresearch andanalysis ofthecompany , using bothinternal andexternal information. ICEM Recent Cases TheICEM'soverall experience onimplementation and compliance has been mixed, but it has improved overthelastseveral years. TheICEMhas 15GFAsandactivities areincreasing within most ofthem. Therearea number ofexamplesofthis. Perhapsthemostadvancedrelationship might be withtheFrenchchemicalcompanyRhodia. Signedin2005,theparties havea safety partnershipcommittee thathas visitedlocal facilities to monitor andenhancesafety andwell-being practices .A jointcommittee also completed a mission toChinatoexamineworkrights andtradeunion involvement atthecompany's twoplantsthere. A GFAmustbe seen as a tool, notan end in itself.Itis notan alternativeto a local collective agreement,but ... itcan be the backdropfor a trusting, consensual, constructive labourmanagement relationshipthat improvesthe lives ofworkers DICK BUN isHead of Communications and Campaigns for the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) Page 3Volume 18Issue 2201 1 INTERNATIONAL union rights FOCUS □ GLOBALFRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS Inlate 2010, ICEM,the Buildingand WoodWorkers' International (BWI),and PublicServices International (PSI) reached termson a GFAwithGDF SUEZ,the world's second largest gas, water services, and electricutility Whatitfound was atone plant, wherea branch oftheAllChinaFederation ofLabour(ACFTU)is present, there arenonegotiations, workers do not giveconsentto theagreement and a collective agreement isonlysignedandwitnessed byanonsiteACFTU representative. Theother plant, a startup operation, finds staff working underindividual workagreements. Considering theuniquenessof Chinaand itsworkrelations, Rhodiaconcluded from thevisitsthatitmustengagedirectly with workers fortheir collective interests. TheRhodiaagreement hasbeenupgraded three times.Languagehas been added strengthening responsible behaviour bysuppliers and subcontractors anda newclausewasinserted in2008stating :"Rhodia respects theright ofemployees tobe collectively organised andshallremain strictly neutralconcerningtheirchoices in this matter." Nowhere hasthis beenmoreimportant thaninthe United States, whereunioncertification isheavily weighted against tradeunions. How Rhodianeutrality languagewas implemented intheUSreveals that continuous dialogue withseniormanagers led to a timely and correct actionupholding theintegrity oftheGFA.InJuly 2010,workers ata non-union plant...

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