
This paper is devoted to the chemotaxis model with indirect production and general kinetic function $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned}&u_t=\Delta u-\chi \nabla \cdot (u\nabla v)+f(u),\qquad&x\in \Omega ,\,t>0,\\&v_t=\Delta v-v+w,\qquad&x\in \Omega ,\,t>0,\\&\tau w_t+\lambda w=g(u),\qquad&x\in \Omega ,\,t>0, \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$ in a bounded domain $$\Omega \subset \mathbb {R}^n(n\le 3)$$ with smooth boundary $$\partial \Omega $$ , where $$\chi , \tau , \lambda $$ are given positive parameters, f and g are known functions. We find several explicit conditions involving the kinetic function f, g, the parameters $$\chi $$ , $$\lambda $$ , and the initial data $$\Vert u_0\Vert _{L^1(\Omega )}$$ to ensure the global-in-time existence and uniform boundedness for the corresponding 2D/3D Neumann initial-boundary value problem. Particularly, when $$f\equiv 0$$ , and g is a linear function, the global bounded classical solutions to the corresponding 2D Neumann initial-boundary value problem with arbitrarily large initial data and chemotactic sensitivity are established. Our results partially extend the results of Hu and Tao (Math Models Methods Appl Sci 26:2111–2128, 2016), Tao and Winkler (J Eur Math Soc 19:3641–3678, 2017), etc.

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