
Dormand, Prince and their colleagues [3–5] showed in a sequence of papers that the approximation of an initial value differential system propagated by a Runge–Kutta pair, together with a continuous approximation obtained using additional derivative values could be utilized to obtain estimates of the global error. They illustrated the results using pairs of orders p−1 and p for several values of p. The current authors [13] have developed a more direct representation of the order conditions, characterized families of global error estimators for Runge–Kutta pairs of arbitrary values of p, and showed that efficient global error estimating Runge–Kutta methods are based on the nodes of a Lobatto quadrature formula. Here, formulas for a good 7, 8 pair, interpolants of each of orders 7 and 8, and global error estimators of orders 10 and 12 illustrate how to obtain global error estimates of orders 9, 10, or 11, for arbitrary initial value systems. One set of graphs indicates that the stated order of the global error estimators is achieved numerically, and a second set illustrates the relative efficiency for several global error estimators when the approximation is propagated with a variable stepsize.

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