
This research is based on the phenomenon of conflict with a background of differences. Indonesia, as a multicultural country that has the ideology of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, in fact still often experiences discrimination, domination, and other problems that end in conflict and violence. Indonesia's cultural wealth in the form of local wisdom is now starting to be eroded due to the influence of globalization. Society began to focus on Western cultures. This research aims to describe the process of habituating the character of global diversity in the younger generation, especially students through educational institutions. Based on the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and Clifford Geertz, the researcher tries to describe the implementation of strengthening the global diversity character of the Profil Pelajar Pancasila in Islamic-based schools in the city of Surakarta. This research is research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this research explain that Profil Pelajar Pancasila is a competent lifelong learner, has character, and behaves according to Pancasila's values. In connection with Pierre Bourdieu's theory, educational institutions are referred to as arenas (fields). Furthermore, global diversity includes openness and tolerance towards foreign cultural diversity while still respecting culture. This concept is by Clifford Geertz's theory that culture is a symbolic system, so cultural processes must be read, translated, and interpreted. The success of characterizing global diversity is influenced by family socialization and teacher example, both of which, according to Pierre Bourdieu, are structural actors/agents and are influenced by social heterogeneity which becomes social capital.

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