
When a chemical enters the natural environment it undergoes change by several processes. It can be transported by the movement of the sector of the environment it enters, for example ocean currents and atmospheric movements, to a different geographical location. In addition as it is transported it is usually diluted so that its concentration is reduced. Chemical degradation processes take place which result in the production of more polar and water soluble products and leaving residual initial chemical. As all of these processes occur there is a distribution of the chemical between the phases in the environment. These processes have been described in a series of papers and books by Mackay as reported in Mackay et al (2009). The processes shown in Figure 1 illustrate the basic processes involved in the partitioning of a chemical into phases in the environment. All of the processes shown involve two phases and movement backwards and forwards of the chemical and thus can be characterised by a partition coefficient. The partition coefficient is the ratio of the chemical in the two phases at equilibrium and isoften represented by the symbol, K. Thus the air – water partition coefficient is represented by KAW and is better known as the dimensionless Henrys Law constant (Shiu and Mackay, 1986), the fish – water partition coefficient is KB, (Connell, 1990) the sediment – water coefficient is KD (Gobas and Maclean, 2003) and the other partition processes can be represented in a similar way. It is of interest to note that as a result of these partition processes a chemical can occur in very low concentrations in the atmosphere, low concentration in water but relatively high concentrations in fish and other aquatic biota. Most of these partition coefficients can be calculated from partition values arrived at by laboratory measurements. For example the Henrys Law constant and the octanol – water partition coefficient, KOW , can be measured in the laboratory. The KOW can be used to calculate the fish – water partition coefficient, KB value and also the KD value and is extensively used to model chemical partitions in the environment. The octanol – air partition coefficient, KOA, can be calculated or measured in the laboratory and can be used to evaluate the partitioning of a chemical into organisms as a result of concentrations in the atmosphere. The Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a group of mainly chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides and dioxins which are often reported to undergo global distillation (Fernandez and Grimalt, 2003). These substances undergo the partition processes illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 1. However if they are discharged to the environment in the warmer zones of the planet a proportion will partition into the atmospheric phase according to the partition coefficient at that temperature. Movement in the atmosphere through winds

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