
Global competition in modern realities with rapid changes in technology brings new tasks for national policies, taking into consideration tightening restrictions on technology exports. So improving competitive strategy, with new technologies being a critical part of it, finding additional pathways to meet the challenges is on the agenda. The paper focuses on ranking countries not only by creating technologies, including frontier ones, but being prepared for them as well. The readiness index has been designed to rank countries by national capabilities to create, use, adopt and adapt technologies. This index includes such elements as R&D activities, ICT development, skills, the capacity to use in industry, access to finance. Among the best - ready countries are the United States, followed by Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Singapore, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea. Most of the least-ready countries are in the developing countries. The ranking by each element is not less important and shows wide range of inequalities between countries as to skills or the capacity to use new technologies in industry or access to finance etc. Strengthening all of these elements are critically important for meeting competitive challenges.

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