
Preface. Terrestrial ecosystems in monsoon Asia. Latitudinal comparison of altitudinal changes in forest structure, leaf type and species richness in humid monsoon Asia M. Ohsawa. The boreal forests of north-eastern Eurasia S.-Y. Grishin. Composition, dynamics and disturbance regime of temperate deciduous forests in monsoon Asia T. Nakashizuka, S. Iida. Tropical seasonal forests in monsoon Asia with emphasis on continental south east Asia N. Ruangpanit. Human impacts on tropical forest dynamics S. Riswan, L. Hartanti. Terrestrial transects for global change research G.W. Koch, et al. Response of plant species to global change. Temperature effects on the photosynthetic response of C3 plants to long-term CO2 enrichment R.F. Sage, et al. Environmental regulation of surface conductance for evaporation from vegetation E.-D. Schulz, et al. The basis for variation in leaf longevity of plants K. Kikuzawa. Factors determining distribution of tree species and plant functional types E.O. Box. Modelling terrestrial ecosystems. A size-distribution-based model of forest dynamics along a latitudinal environmental gradient T. Kohyama, N. Shigesada. Maintenance of forest species diversity and latitudinal gradient Y. Iwasa, et al. A role-type model (ROPE) and its application in assessing climate change impacts on forest landscapes G. Shao, et al. Carbon balance of forest ecosystems. Simulation of soil carbon cycling and carbon balance following clear-cutting in a mid-temperate forest and contribution to the sink of atmospheric CO2 K. Nakane, N. Lee. The role of temperate trees and forests in CO2 fixation P.G. Jarvis. Contribution of monsoon Asia to the carbon budget of the biosphere, past and future G. Esser. Abstracts.

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