
Book reviewing makes my commuting more pleasurable and productive, but I must have been an eccentric sight with this book in my hand. The average Dutch commuter is reading the Amsterdam Metro, staring into space or pressing buttons on an electronic box of tricks. And in contrast, the big guy with the floppy hat has his nose glued to a book called Global Catastrophes. Did Ajax loose again? Glued is the right word. Bill McGuire's style of writing drew this reader in and kept me enthralled. All of McGuire's catastrophes are of interest to the Earth scientist sensu lato, being either climatic (global warming, Ice Ages), tectonic (super-eruptions, tsunamis and major earthquakes) or extra-terrestrial in origin (bolide impacts). These are subjects that all of us know something about, but perhaps not enough. McGuire does a first class job of providing solid data, and drawing on many and diverse sources of information, such as the evidence from human DNA of the effect of the Toba super-eruption 74 000 years ago on our species (p. 69). Discussion in all areas is educating, entertaining and, perhaps, will cause the reader to look over their shoulder. As always in this series of books, the production complements the excellence of the writing. Illustrations are of good quality and adequate in number. Errors are few, but I was tickled to read of a storm travelling at ‘300 km per second’ (p. 12) – the proof reader was definitely nodding. And any author who quotes Oliver Postgate will get my attention. The list of further reading and index are both adequate. I'm surprised to have missed the first edition of Global Catastrophes, particularly as I like to lurk near the carousel of books in the ‘Very Short Introduction’ series when visiting bookshops, but am delighted to have made the acquaintance of this new incarnation. That it provides food for thought is an understatement. Few Earth scientists would not benefit reading this book and will enjoy it at the same time. It would be an ideal volume for an advanced seminar course, being affordable, readable and thought-provoking.

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