
This research paper, titled Global and Micro Analysis of Discourse Coherence Relations in English and American Literature, delves into the intricate world of discourse coherence relations within the realm of English and American literature. Employing discourse coherence theory, the study conducts, global and micro-level analyses of selected literary works to uncover the profound connections between language, narrative, and the human psyche. The paper begins with an exploration of the background and significance of the study, highlighting the importance of understanding how literary texts achieve coherence and coherence relations. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of discourse coherence theory, bridging the fields of literature and linguistics. The research objectives are outlined, focusing on the examination of overarching discourse coherence, micro-level linguistic and semantic connections, and their impact on character development, narrative structure, and thematic exploration. The literature review section provides an overview of previous research in the field, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive study combining both global and micro-level analyses of discourse coherence in literature. Scholars such as Teun A. van Dijk, Michael Hoey, and Walter Nash have contributed valuable insights into the analysis of coherence relations in texts. In conclusion, this research aims to enrich our understanding of the art of storytelling and the human experience as conveyed through language.

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