
Glial elements in the central nervous system of Eisenia fetida were studied at light- and electron microscopic level. Cells were characterized with the aid of toluidine blue, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), S100 staining. We identified neurilemmal-, subneurilemmal-, supporting-nutrifying- and myelinsheath forming glial cells. Both neuronal and non-neuronal elements are S100-immunoreactive in the CNS. Among glial cells neurilemmal and subneurilemmal cells are S100-immunopositive. With the antibody against the S100 protein one band is visible at 15 kDa. GFA P-immunopositive supporting-nutrifying glial cells are localized around neurons and they often appear as cells with many vacuoles. GFA P-positive cell bodies of elongated neurilemmal glial cells are also visible. Western blot analysis shows a single 57 kDa GFA P immunoreactive band in the Eisenia sample. At ultrastructural level contacts between neuronal and glial cells are recognizable. Glial cell bodies and their filopodia contain a granular and vesicular system. Close contacts between neuronal cell membranes and glial filopodia create a special environment for material transport. Vesicles budding off glial cell granules move towards the cell membranes, probably emptying their content with kiss and run exocytosis. The secreted compounds in return may help neuronal survival, provide nutrition, and filopodia may also support neuronal terminals.

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