
Detailed glaciotectonic studies have been conducted in the Weichselian glaciated area of Schleswig-Hol­stein in order to obtain a better understanding about the stratigraphy, the morphogenetic development and thus about the Pleistocene events towards the end of the last glaciation. In general, an upper till discordantly overlies a lower till, which is partly cove'red with meltwater depos­its. The thin upper till cover is probably derived from the last ice readvance in the Oldest Tundra Time, the so-called »Fehmam-advance•, because artifacts found under this till belong to the Younger Hamburg Cul­ture. Various ice tectonic structures such as block-faulted zones, overthrusted folds and folds were observed in these overridden strata. The different directions of the last glacial advance have been determined. The relationship between them and the interpretation of the morphology after Gripp (1952, 1954) is correlated and illustrated with field examples: It is possible to determine the direction of the ice flow from the mor­phology only in regions with strong and definite topography. However, in the gentler rolling regions with weaker and indistinct morphology the overridden strata may either be disturbed or undisturbed without perceptible changes in their palaeorelief. Therefore in these regions, the present day morphology is not the result of the last ice advance alone, but is due to a combination of the penultimate ice advance, the fol­lowing meltwater deposition, the last ice readvance and subsequent melting of dead ice.

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