
Motivated by questions about the QCD deconfining phase transition, we studied in two previous papers Model A (Glauber) dynamics of 2D and 3D Potts models, focusing on structure factor evolution under heating (heating in the gauge theory notation, i.e., cooling of the spin systems). In the present paper we set for 3D Potts models (Ising and 3-state) the scale of the dynamical effects by comparing to equilibrium results at first and second order phase transition temperatures, obtained by re-weighting from a multicanonical ensemble. Our finding is that the dynamics entirely overwhelms the critical and non-critical equilibrium effects. In the second half of the paper we extend our results by investigating the Glauber dynamics of pure SU(3) lattice gauge on $N_{\tau} N_{\sigma}^3$ lattices directly under heating quenches from the confined into the deconfined regime. The exponential growth factors of the initial response are calculated, which give Debye screening mass estimates. The quench leads to competing vacuum domains of distinct $Z_3$ triality, which delay equilibration of pure gauge theory forever, while their role in full QCD remains a subtle question. As in spin systems we find for pure SU(3) gauge theory a dynamical growth of structure factors, reaching maxima which scale approximately with the volume of the system, before settling down to equilibrium. Their influence on various observables is studied and different lattice sizes are simulated to illustrate an approach to a finite volume continuum limit. Strong correlations are found during the dynamical process, but not in the deconfined phase at equilibrium.

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