
In normal brain, we previously demonstrated that the exon-9 skipping form of glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST; which we refer to as GLAST1b) is expressed by small populations of neurons that appear to be sick or dying and suggested that these cells were subject to inappropriate local glutamate-mediated excitation. To test this hypothesis we examined the expression of GLAST1b in the hypoxic pig brain. In this model glial glutamate transporters such as GLAST and glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1) are down-regulated in susceptible regions, leading to regional loss of glutamate homeostasis and thus to brain damage. We demonstrate by immunohistochemistry that in those brain regions where astroglial glutamate transporters are lost, GLAST1b expression is induced in populations of neurons and to a lesser extent in some astrocytes. These neurons were also immunolabeled by antibodies against the carboxyl-terminal region of GLAST but did not label with antibodies directed against the amino-terminal region. Our Western blotting data indicate that GLAST1b expressed by neurons lacks the normal GLAST amino-terminal region and may be further cleaved to a smaller ∼30-kDa fragment. We propose that GLAST1b represents a novel and sensitive marker for the detection of neurons at risk of dying in response to hypoxic and other excitotoxic insults and may have wider applicability in experimental and clinical contexts.

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