
Google Glass is worn like a pair of eye-glasses and is controlled with a small screen, touchpad, and microphone. A variety of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Glassware applications are available for Glass. However, due to the size and position of the screen, it is hard for onlookers to discern what the user is doing while using these applications. Additionally, the user can surreptitiously take pictures and record videos of nearby people and things, resulting in privacy concerns. We hypothesized that use of Glassware in a specific domain, where onlookers were apprised of the use of the Glassware, would be better accepted than the more generic use of Glassware. This paper reports on our design, implementation and evaluation of several Glass applications to enhance communication between teachers and students in the classroom and presents results from a study that suggests that students accept the use of Glassware in this environment.

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