
For our first Surgo alumni column we wanted to include an interview between formerstudent Eddie Carberry and rheumatology consultant and medical school chaplainProf. Rev. Roger Sturrock. I trained in medicine at the Westminster Medical Schoolin London and worked in London before coming up toGlasgow to work as a lecturer. The opportunity arose forme to work in Nigeria for a little while and I taught in theAhmadu Bello University hospital which at the time wasthe only medical school in the North of Nigeria. I laterreturned to Glasgow to head up the Centre For RheumaticDiseases. Teaching and clinical research have always beenan important part of my working week.I have been involved in church life since my teenage years.Towards the end of my career I trained as a Reader in theChurch of Scotland and subsequently was ordained as aChurch of Scotland minister after returning to universityas a student, graduating in Divinity. I am now an honoraryChurch of Scotland chaplain to the University and I havejust taken on the role as chaplain to the medical school.I see myself as hopefully providing Spiritual Care andadvice to all students of whatever faith group or none.Roger Sturrock Eddie Carberry, FY1Having dropped in to Roger's Wednesday afternoonclinic in the Wolfson Library Room 10, I can say that hisskills of relating ethical and spiritual guidance to thetrials and tribulations of life as a medical student areincredibly useful. I would personally recommenddropping by for a chat if you have anything on yourmind An Interview with Prof. Rev. Sturrock and EddieCarberry I took the opportunity to attend one of Roger's Sunday morning sermons at KelvinsideHillhead Church. Interestingly, Roger manages to weave the religious aspects of hissermons into relevant advice and guidance for his congregation- Eddie. “ Your title is Revered Professor, whatwould you prefer students called you?” Roger.“ What is the best cytokine?” It depends on your perspective! Somecytokines are good - enhancing theinflammatory response to tumourswhereas others have the opposite effect.My favourite cytokine is TNF alpha!"What is the link between rheumatoidfactor and The X-Factor?" (the singingcontest TV show run by Simon Cowell). They are both easy to spot but withuncertain outcomes.“ Do you believe in hell?” If you mean fiery flames and devils withhorns and tails, then the answer is no.Sometimes we create our own hell forourselves."And unrelated to the previous question:Have you ever had to present a patient ata morning ward round after too manypints of Fun the night before?" (a 'pint offun' is now the signature drink at theGlasgow University Union, it's a deadlycocktail made with a triple measure ofvodka and tastes like fruit juice. It'sresponsible for the majority of studenthangovers). The short answer is no but as a juniorDoctor on one occasion I had to guide aninebriated consultant on a ward round!“ What's important about spiritual carein healthcare workers?” The NHS is now recognising theimportance of spiritual care forhealthcare workers. It is about helpingthe inner person to cope with thestresses of health care and to get thingsin the right perspective. How to copewith suffering and death etc.“ Would following all religions increasemy chances of getting into an afterlife?” No! I guess that it would be veryconfusing to follow every religion. It isnot quantity that counts but quality!“ There have been many famousscientists who were also greatlyreligious, have you ever found it difficultto think like a scientist and keep faith inreligion?” No. If anything religion helps to spur oneon to understand how God works increation

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