
To investigate the correlation between clinical characteristics, radiologic features, treatment modalities, and treatment outcome of glandular odontogenic cyst, and to suggest a treatment protocol based on these results. The study included a total of 56 cases, 49 from the literature and 7 new cases. Demographic data, locularity and radiographic extension, cortical plate integrity, treatment modalities, follow-up, and recurrence were analyzed. There were 34 male and 22 female patients aged 14 to 74 years (mean, 48 years). The mandible was involved in 41 cases (73.2%) and the maxilla in 15 (26.8%), predominantly in the anterior region; 53.6% of the lesions were unilocular and 46.4% multilocular. Large lesions were found in 78.5% of cases. Cortical integrity was compromised in 53.6% (cortical perforation in 39.3% and thinning or erosion of the cortical plate in 14.3%). Recurrence occurred at a rate of 29.2%, within 0.5 to 7 years (mean, 2.9 years). Mean follow-up was also 2.9 years. Two patients had 3 recurrences each. Recurrence was associated with minor surgery such as enucleation or curettage; none of the patients treated by peripheral ostectomy, marginal resection, or partial jaw resection had a recurrence. Compared with the patients without recurrence, the recurrence group had a higher frequency of multilocularity than the nonrecurrent group (64.3% vs 41.2%) and of compromised cortical integrity (71.4% vs 47.1%). Glandular odontogenic cyst is an aggressive lesion. Treatment by enucleation or curettage alone is associated with a high recurrence rate. Small unilocular lesions can be treated by enucleation. In large uni- or multilocular lesions, an initial biopsy is recommended. Surgical treatment of large lesions should include enucleation with peripheral ostectomy for unilocular cases and marginal resection or partial jaw resection in multilocular cases. Marsupialization followed by second phase surgery is an option for lesions approaching vital structures. Follow-up should continue for at least 3 years (up to 7 years in cases with features associated with increased risk).

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