
This study presents a detailed examination of the lattice distortions introduced by glancing incidence Focussed Ion Beam (FIB) milling. Using non-destructive multi-reflection Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction we probe damage formation in an initially pristine gold micro-crystal following several stages of FIB milling. These experiments allow access to the full lattice strain tensor in the micro-crystal with ∼25 nm 3D spatial resolution, enabling a nano-scale analysis of residual lattice strains and defects formed. Our results show that 30 keV glancing incidence milling produces fewer large defects than normal incidence milling at the same energy. However the resulting residual lattice strains have similar magnitude and extend up to ∼50 nm into the sample. At the edges of the milled surface, where the ion-beam tails impact the sample at near-normal incidence, large dislocation loops with a range of Burgers vectors are formed. Further glancing incidence FIB polishing with 5 keV ion energy removes these dislocation loops and reduces the lattice strains caused by higher energy FIB milling. However, even at the lower ion energy, damage-induced lattice strains are present within a ∼20 nm thick surface layer. These results highlight the need for careful consideration and management of FIB damage. They also show that low-energy FIB-milling is an effective tool for removing FIB-milling induced lattice strains. This is important for the preparation of micro-mechanical test specimens and strain microscopy samples.

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