
The southernmost part of Sweden is a classical area to study ice-movement patterns. During the course of time, different hypotheses about glacial events and ice dynamics have been proposed, and there is still no consensus of opinion. The author has tried to integrate studies of glacial erosional features registered on bedrock with glacigenic sediments on top of the eroded rock-surfaces. This paper concentrates on ice directions according to glacial striae and clast fabrics from the Hardeberga quarry in Skåne. The results from Hardeberga are discussed in a regional context. The youngest ice movement registered comes from the SW (striae, fabrics, overturned sandwedges and displaced shattered bedrock). Most probably this flow direction is due to quite different ice flow conditions in the flat and low-lying areas south of the Fennoscandian Border Zone (environment with deforming-bed conditions), in contrast to the ice dynamics in the higher crystalline shield-areas and the horst ridges of hard Palaeozoic and crystalline rocks crossing Skåne from NW to SE.

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