
The industry of ornamental fish has been developed for more than 50 years in Taiwan. In 1986, through the artificial cultivation of the blood parrot (Cichlasoma citrinellum × Cichlasoma synspilum), the industry of aquarium fish reached to the peak in Taiwan. After the African Cichlids was introduced from three major freshwater lakes in Africa, it caused a sensation on the market. Then fluorescent fish and crystal shrimps were introduced, so far showing vigorous development of the aquarium market in Taiwan. The results of the spatial analysis show the highest density of the aquarium in urban area. The cluster spatial pattern was identified by global autocorrelation analysis, including Average Nearest Neighbor and Global Moran's I. Besides, after the stock market crash in 1980, the aquarium industry experienced a serious setback, but it also indirectly led to the trend of industrial management transformation from traditional aquarium to pet shops combining two types of cats and dogs pet aquarium.

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