
Rhinopithecus roxellana’s habitat condition is directly related to its long-term survival and reproduction. Research, with large-scale, on R. roxellana’s habitat selection of seasonal changes is conducive to the protection and construction of its habitat, and it is essential protecting the rare species. Our research is based on the results of previous studies in biological and behavioral ecological field. With the support of GIS and RS technology, we conducted a lot of field investigations. In addition, we also took R. roxellana’s selection bias of seven kinds of ecological factors into consideration. Through the above efforts, we got a selection intensity distribution layer about R. roxellana’s habitat selection of seasonal changes. Our study shows that in spring, the area of weak intensity is 1507.96 hm 2 while less weak area is 33868.72 hm 2. The strong intensity area is 266 hm 2 while the less strong area is 36818.84 hm 2. In summer, the area of weak intensity is 4683.4 hm 2 while less weak area is 28392.4 hm 2. The strong intensity area is 4078.52 hm 2 while the less strong area is 35307.2 hm 2. In autumn, the area of weak intensity is 1972.08 hm 2 while less weak area is 33254.72 hm 2. The strong intensity area is 1516.84 hm 2 while the less strong area is 35717.88 hm 2. In winter, the area of weak intensity is 542.76 hm 2 while less weak area is 28230.84 hm 2. The strong intensity area is 392.44 hm 2 while the less strong area is 43295.48 hm 2. The results show that the most forestry areas of the Shennongjia Mt. lie in strong intensity area and these areas provides optimal habitat for the Snub-nosed Monkey. The distribution layer analyses show that eastern part of the Shennongjia area is coincidence with the current natural distribution of the Snub-nosed Monkey, whereas north-western, south-western and southern part of the area is located in the weak intensity areas and is unfit for the Snub-nosed Monkey. In the central part, the strong intensity areas are fragmented by the highways and no Snub-nosed Monkey is found in this highly disturbed area. However, it is probably a potential habitat for the Snub-nosed Monkey. Survival and reproduction of the Snub-nosed Monkey was ensured by large and continuous habitat in the eastern part of the Shennongjia Mt. Much effort is needed to intensify the connection of the fragmented central area of the Shennongjia Mt.

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