
Although Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly being used in the construction industry, there is very little evidence to sho w that such technology has been used in relation to issues to do with the labor force. GIS is able to integrate information efficiently, thereby placing planners in a better position to review, analyze and understand specific spatial problems. They facilit ate improved understanding of the information, thereby leading to improved decision making. This paper presents a case study of how GIS is being used to facilitate the implementation of a labor market initiative aimed at diversifying the construction industry’s work force. GIS is being used as a tool to facilitate the administration and implementation of the initiative, which is aimed at attracting under -represented groups in the industry such as women and ethnic minorities. The paper starts with a brief in troduction to GIS and its current use in the construction industry before presenting an outline of how the GIS application is being used to facilitate the diversity planning initiative. On the basis of the case study presented, it appears that there is con siderable scope for GIS to be used to facilitate data management and decision-making in relation to other labor market issues in the future.

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