
The research presents some of the possibilities of applying GIS tools and methods in quantitative spatial analysis, on the example of identification and tourist valorization of tourist motives. The object of the analysis are the cultural tourism motives, specifically the national cultural-historical monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the municipality of Foča. The identification of tourist motives is based on an analysis of available literature, field research, and GIS methods, utilizing thematic and topographic maps and remote sensing images. The tourist assessment of cultural tourist motives was carried out using a specifically created methodological approach, which included the creation of a set of indicators that determine the tourist value of motives, such as accessibility, amenities, ancillary services, and attractions. In the process of tourism valorization, categories of quantitative indicators were created that primarily relate to the distance of tourist motives from the analyzed indicators. The final step of the analysis implied the ranking of motives based on their potential for tourist valorization. The results of the analysis are divided into three groups: low, medium, and high potential for tourist valorization. These groups are determined based on a weight coefficient, with thresholds defined using the natural breaks method. The analysis showed that most cultural tourist motives within the municipality of Foča exhibit a high potential for tourist valorization, while nearly a third of the analyzed motives fall to the lowest end of this scale. In the process of identifying, categorizing, and valorizing tourist motives, GIS has proven to be a highly efficient tool with significant potential for optimizing the tourist planning process. The achieved results can serve as a foundation for further complex analyses of tourist motives for the purposes of tourist valorization. These studies should involve the application of qualitative methods in the analysis of additional indicators.

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