
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based decision support systems can play a crucial role in protecting biodiversity in spatial planning. These systems use spatial data and analytical tools to help decision-makers identify areas of high biodiversity value and prioritize conservation efforts. By integrating data on species distribution, habitat suitability, and land use, GIS decision support systems can also identify potential threats to biodiversity and assess the impact of different management scenarios. Additionally, GIS decision support systems can be used to monitor the effectiveness of conservation efforts and identify areas where additional action is needed. GIS decision support systems provide a powerful tool for integrating biodiversity considerations into spatial planning and can help to ensure that conservation efforts are targeted to where they will be most effective. In the area of biodiversity protection, we are also faced with two phenomena: (1) overflow of data and information from various countries and areas, supported by open data policies and technical solutions (e.g. GIS) for producing and storing copious amounts of data; and (2) challenge to navigate in the data and incompatibility of data due to various methodologies, scales etc. For policy makers it is increasingly difficult to produce evidence-based policies as it is relatively easy to find arguments to support multiple attitudes and measures. The aim of this paper is to present a tool produced by Interreg DTP SaveGREEN and ConnectGREEN Projects aimed at fostering evidence-based policy making in the field of biodiversity protection. The Decision Support Tool, an interactive GIS-based support tool prepared as a help mainly in the pre-planning phase of the decision-making process about new investments in the territory. Objective of this tool is to help nature conservationists and spatial planners to provide evidence for policy makers in the policy making preparation processes aimed at protecting the biodiversity of Carpathians.

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