
The primary objective of the article is to reflect the practical necessity and possibilities of using GIS software for planning of military operations in the contemporary information environment. The results analysed by the GIS platforms can be used by the specialists in all fields of operational planning by providing the requested data that can improve the performance of operational planning. The obvious need for the development process of the operational planning system in the context of the adoption of planning procedures appears as an opportunity, especially in the current stage of the reformation of the National Army. The geographical characteristics of the area of operation are thoroughly analysed from all available geographical sources. Until now, the most effective method of determining the geographical features of the terrain in the area of operation was considered to be reading from printed topographic maps, which included a series of additional determinations and analyses that were carried out through complex and long-lasting procedures. Accordingly, this fact was not allowing quick decision-making, and often, erroneous analysis of the terrain could lead to incorrect deductions that required commanders of all levels to make wrong conclusions, accordingly to expose them by orders.

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