
Typicity is an important aspect to assist the expansion of vitiviniculture frontiers in the southeastern region of Brazil, reflecting the wine origins and the signature characteristics of the grape and wines. Considering environmental and human factors related to wine tipicity characterization, this work aimed to applied the framework of geographic information system (GIS) with fuzzy logics to characterize and to search for mapping unit-like areas that encompass two commercial vineyards (Syrah cv) in a provenance area. Information of soil, geology, relief, climate, grape, and wine were obtained in two commercial vineyards (reference), and linked though regional scale. In três Corações reference area, thicker and highly permeable soils over biotite schist-gneiss, with altitudes of 917 m, average temperature of 19.7 °C, and annual precipitation of 1497 mm are more likely for wines with higher values of flavonols, dry extract and total phenolic index (TPI) than Cordislândia reference area. The latter is characterized by thicker and highly permeable soils over pyroxene granulite, with average altitude of 832 m, and annual precipitation of 1508 mm. Lower uncertainty along with higher membership values is an important metric for decision makers: out of the indicated regions might be a risk for grapevine producers.

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