
Giovanni Pagni and the forged inscriptions of Pisa (CIL XI 194* and CIL XI 195*) The aim of this study is to analyze two falsae inscriptions (CIL XI 194* = Inscr.It. VII, 22 and CIL XI 195*) from Pisa. For the first time Giovanni Pagni (1634-1676) in Commentaria in Cenotaphia Pisana Lucii et Caii Caesarum reports these inscriptions. CIL XI 194* is a forgery modelled on the inscription from Abella (CIL X 1217). A forgery is also CIL XI 195*: it was a newly carved inscription on marble. The author tentatively links these inscriptions with the publication of Valerio Chimentelli, Marmor Pisanum de honore bisellii, Bononia 1666.

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