
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a systemic disorder of energy metabolism characterized by a sustained elevation of blood glucose in conjunction with impaired insulin action in multiple peripheral tissues (i.e., insulin resistance). Although extensive research has been conducted to identify therapeutic targets for the treatment of DM, its global prevalence and associated mortailty rates are still increasing, possibly because of challenges related to long-term adherence, limited efficacy, and undesirable side effects of currently available medications, implying an urgent need to develop effective and safe pharmacotherapies for DM. Phytochemicals have recently drawn attention as novel pharmacotherapies for DM based on their clinical relevance, therapeutic efficacy, and safety. Ginsenosides, pharmacologically active ingredients primarily found in ginseng, have long been used as adjuvants to traditional medications in Asian countries and have been reported to exert promising therapeutic efficacy in various metabolic diseases, including hyperglycemia and diabetes. This review summarizes the current pharmacological effects of ginsenosides and their mechanistic insights for the treatment of insulin resistance and DM, providing comprehensive perspectives for the development of novel strategies to treat DM and related metabolic complications.

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