
Salinity changes will threaten the survival of aquatic animals. However, osmoregulatory mechanism of Coilia nasus has not been explored. Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing was performed in C. nasus gills during hypotonic and hyperosmotic stress. 23.8 G clean reads and 27,659 full-length non-redundant sequences were generated via ONT sequencing. Alternative splicing, alternative polyadenylation, transcript factors, and long noncoding RNA were identified. During hypotonic stress, 58 up-regulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and 36 down-regulated DEGs were identified. During hypertonic stress, 429 up-regulated DEGs and 480 down-regulated DEGs were identified. These DEGs were associated with metabolism, cell cycle, and transport. The analysis of these DEGs indicated that carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism were activated to provide energy for cell cycle and transport during hypotonic and hypertonic stress. Cell cycle was also promoted during hypotonic and hypertonic stress. To resist hypotonic stress, polyamines metabolism, ion absorption and water transport from extra-cellular to intra-cellular were promoted, while ion secretion was inhibited. During hypotonic stress, glutamine, alanine, proline, and inositol metabolism were activated. Ion absorption and water transport from intra-cellular to extra-cellular were inhibited. Moreover, different transcript isoforms generated from the same gene performed different expression patterns during hypotonic and hypertonic stress. These findings will be beneficial to understand osmoregulatory mechanism of Coilia nasus.

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