
Giant molluscum pendulums of the vulva are benign tumors, usually small in size. Larger lesions are rare and probably due to proliferation of mesenchymal cells within the hormone-sensitive subepithelial stromal layer of the lower genital tract. The size of the lesion represents an important functional and aesthetic prejudice. This rare discrete swelling deserves to be known because of its functional impact and/or uncertain evolution. We report a case of a 38-years-old female patient, multiparous G4P4V4 whose last child is 1-year-old, she consulted on 05th December 2018 for a large evolving mass in the left inguinal fold for 11 years. The interrogation did not find any particular medical-surgical history. Physical examination revealed a 20/10 cm mass at the base of the left labia majora, soft in consistency, painless, mobile in relation to the deep plane, and dotted with a hypochromic cicatricial macule (A and B). Endoanal examination found non reducible hemorrhoidal packets (B). The hypothesis of giant molluscum pendulum was evoked. The hypothesis of giant molluscum pendulum was evoked. The preoperative blood test showed a positive blood group B, HIV serology was negative, the hemoglobin level was 13.2 g/l, the feasible hemostasis test (TS-TC) was normal. We performed surgical excision of the tumor under general anesthesia. The specimen weighed 2500g (C). Histology showed edematous, myxoid, and richly vascularized connective tissue without cytonuclear atypia (D). We referred the patient to hepato-gastroenterology for management of the hemorrhoid.

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