
ABSTRACT The lack of detection of supersymmetric particles is leading to look at alternative avenues for explaining dark matter’s effects. Among them, modified theories of gravity may play an important role accounting even for both dark components needed in the standard cosmological model. Scalar–tensor–vector gravity theory has been proposed to resolve the dark matter puzzle. Such a modified gravity model introduces, in its weak field limit, a Yukawa-like correction to the Newtonian potential, and is capable to explain most of the phenomenology related to dark matter at scale of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Nevertheless, some inconsistencies appear when studying systems that are supposed to be dark matter dominated such as dwarf galaxies. In this sense, Antlia II, an extremely diffuse galaxy which has been recently discovered in Gaia’s second data release, may serve to probe the aforementioned theory against the need for invoking dark matter. Our analysis shows several inconsistencies and leads to argue that MOdified Gravity may not be able to shed light on the intriguing nature of dark matter.

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