
We study a one parameter family of supersymmetric marginal deformations of ${\cal N}=4$ SYM with $U(1)^3$ symmetry, known as $\beta$-deformations, to understand their dual $AdS\times X$ geometry, where $X$ is a large classical geometry in the $g_{YM}^2N\to \infty$ limit. We argue that we can determine whether or not $X$ is geometric by studying the spectrum of open strings between giant gravitons states, as represented by operators in the field theory, as we take $N\to\infty$ in certain double scaling limits. We study the conditions under which these open strings can give rise to a large number of states with energy far below the string scale. The number-theoretic properties of $\beta$ are very important. When $\exp(i\beta)$ is a root of unity, the space $X$ is an orbifold. When $\exp(i\beta)$ close to a root of unity in a double scaling limit sense, $X$ corresponds to a finite deformation of the orbifold. Finally, if $\beta$ is irrational, sporadic light states can be present.


  • JHEP01(2015)126 group only acts on the S5, and the geometry depends only on s

  • We study a one parameter family of supersymmetric marginal deformations of N = 4 SYM with U(1)3 symmetry, known as β-deformations, to understand their dual AdS × X geometry, where X is a large classical geometry in the gY2 MN → ∞ limit

  • For the case of β deformations, we know that the string theory is integrable; the integrable system arising in field theory results as a twist of the AdS5 × S5 integrable system [11,12,13]

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Open strings between giant gravitons

We want to compute the energy of a string stretching between two giant gravitons in AdS5 × S5 with fixed angular momentum on the S5 to confirm the conjecture proposed in [19]. Such a field contributes one to ∆−J and 1/2 to U(1)2 It has a smaller R charge than Y , namely, its R-charge is equal to 1/2, rather than one, so it can not mix with the operators we have described (all three conserved quantum numbers would need to match for mixing to occur). Our goal in this paper will be to understand the corresponding energy of the su(2) ground state with n copies of Y and arbitrary X, for an open string whose ends attach to a giant graviton made of X This energy is interpreted as a dispersion relation for a fluctuation between the D-branes with n units of momenta

The β-deformed spin chain with boundaries
Geometric limit interpretation
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