
Wide-area deep imaging surveys have discovered large numbers of extremely low surface brightness (LSB) dwarf galaxies, which challenge galaxy formation theory and, potentially, offer new constraints on the nature of dark matter. Here we discuss one as-yet-unexplored formation mechanism that may account for a fraction of LSB dwarfs. We call this the “ghost galaxy” scenario. In this scenario, inefficient radiative cooling prevents star formation in the “main branch” of the merger tree of a low-mass dark matter halo, such that almost all its stellar mass is acquired through mergers with less massive (but nevertheless star-forming) progenitors. Present-day systems formed in this way would be “ghostly” isolated stellar halos with no central galaxy. We use merger trees based on the extended Press–Schechter formalism and the Copernicus Complexio cosmological N-body simulation to demonstrate that mass assembly histories of this kind can occur for low-mass halos in ΛCDM, but they are rare. They are most probable in isolated halos of present-day mass ∼4 × 109 M ⊙, occurring for ∼5% of all halos of that mass under standard assumptions about the timing and effect of cosmic reionization. The stellar masses of star-forming progenitors in these systems are highly uncertain; abundance-matching arguments imply a bimodal present-day mass function having a brighter population (median M ⋆ ∼ 3 × 106 M ⊙) consistent with the tail of the observed luminosity function of ultradiffuse galaxies. This suggests that observable analogs of these systems may await discovery. We find that a stronger ionizing background (globally or locally) produces brighter and more extended ghost galaxies.

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