
A systematic study of the g-factor anisotropy of conduction electrons in InSb has been carried out using electric-dipole-excited spin resonance observed in far-infrared (FIR) magnetotransmission. Experiments were performed at liquid-helium temperatures at FIR wavelengths 96.5, 118.8, 163, and 251.1 \ensuremath{\mu}m in both Voigt and Faraday geometries. Detailed measurements of the g factor as a function of magnetic field strength and orientation are compared with the model of Pidgeon and Brown (PB). Results are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions, providing added evidence for the usefulness of the PB model as a correct description of the band structure of narrow-gap zinc-blende semiconductors. Quantitatively, our data give best fits for the following parameters of the PB model: ${E}_{g}$=0.235 eV, ${E}_{p}$=23.2 eV, \ensuremath{\Delta}=0.803 eV, ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}_{1}$=3.25, ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}_{3}$=0.9, \ensuremath{\kappa}=-1.3, \ensuremath{\mu}=0.74\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.04, and ${N}_{1}$=-0.43\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.03 (the former six values taken from most recent literature, the latter two determined by fitting to our g-factor results). This leads to the zero-field value for the g factor of InSb at the bottom of the conduction band of g(0)=-50.8. .AE

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