
We show that the solution to the Cauchy problem of the 3D nematic liquid crystal flows, with initial data belonging to a critical Besov space, belongs to a Gevrey class. More precisely, it is proved that for any (u0,d0−d¯0)∈Ḃp,13p−1(R3)×Ḃq,13q(R3) with some suitable conditions imposed on p,q∈(1,∞), there exists T∗>0 depending only on initial data, such that the nematic liquid crystal flows admit a unique solution (u,d) on R3×(0,T∗), and satisfies ‖etΛ1u(t)‖L˜T∗∞(Ḃp,13p−1)∩L˜T∗1(Ḃp,13p+1)+‖etΛ1(d(t)−d¯0)‖L˜T∗∞(Ḃq,13q)∩L˜T∗1(Ḃq,13q+2)<∞. Here, d¯0∈S2 is a constant unit vector, and Λ1 is the Fourier multiplier whose symbol is given by |ξ|1=|ξ1|+|ξ2|+|ξ3|. Moreover, if the initial data is sufficiently small, then T∗=∞. As a consequence of the results, decay estimates of higher-order derivatives of solutions in Besov spaces are deduced.

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