
The traditional decision-making process in construction is still driven by factors such as cost and time, not adequately addressing indicators to control their environmental impacts. So, how to improve environmental communication to incorporate sustainable building practices. The incorporation of environmental indicators may enlarge the scope of construction management tools. In the case of cost databases, widely used in the construction sector, this action can contribute to the communication and dissemination of environmental practices. This paper mapped 24 indicators from construction cost databases to assess their ability to communicate and disseminate environmental information. The research comprised: (a) a review of the use of cost bases in the environmental study, (b) identification of the most cited bases in 27 Brazilian civil engineering courses, and (c) analysis of the selected databases through of the assessment matrix, it crosses cost data versus environmental information. CYPE, TCPO, and ORSE presented performance medium, and higher results than SINAPI, BDCCM, and BCCA. The tools presented low control over environmental information, such as water and energy consumption, machine circulation and pollution generation. However, it has been observed that when adding environmental indicators, these tools can contribute significantly to disseminate good practices in its wide user base.


  • The definition and implementation of actions in the search for more sustainable urban systems and constructions are directed by social, economic and financial, institutional, technological, personnel involved, knowledge and innovation, all taking into account the local context and its complexities [1]

  • HS1 demands of workers HS2 requirements for occupational risks H3 classification of the occupational risks not informed not informed not informed by activity regulatory requirements by type workers by activity and global regulatory requirements, and procedures by workers type and exposed risk (a) selected themes adapted from Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), Chen et al, (2000) Gangolells et al, (2009), and Mateus; Bragança (2011). (b) indicators during the construction phase. (c) Weight scale (w) adopted to characterize the quality of the environmental information of the data available on the cost databases, where w can be 0, 1 and 2

  • Contrary to findings have observed in the literature review, in the programs and courses analyzed, few associations were found between environmental themes and cost databases, restricted to waste management in the course of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco (IFPE) and the evaluation of life-cycle costs in in the course of the Federal Institute of Paraiba (IFPB) (Table 3)

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The definition and implementation of actions in the search for more sustainable urban systems and constructions are directed by social, economic and financial, institutional, technological, personnel involved, knowledge and innovation, all taking into account the local context and its complexities [1]. This integration involves the optimization of economic costs and environmental costs, for example, the reduction of resource consumption and waste generation [7], use energy efficiency [8] and reduction of pollutant emissions [9] In this sense, an economic tool such as LCC can work in conjunction with environmental analysis methodologies during the construction life-cycle. Gangolells et al, (2014) used data from the list of global enterprise quantities in the definition of a scale of weights to predict and compare environmental impacts [21,28] In both systems, the quantitative data aim to increase the reliability of these models for supporting the decision process and evaluating the available constructive solutions and compare projects. IInn tthhiiss ccoonntteexxtt,, tthhee aarrttiiccllee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt aa mmaappppiinngg ooff eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnddiiccaattoorrss iinn ddaattaabbaasseess ooff ccoossttss ttoo aasssseessss tthheeiirr aabbiilliittyy ttoo ccoommmmuunniiccaattee aanndd ddiisssseemmiinnaattee eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, aanndd uussee iinn eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall ccoonnttrrooll ssyysstteemmss

Materials and Methods
An Overview about Costs Databases
Use of Cost Bases into the Engineering Course Curriculums in Brazil
The System of Classification and Quantification of Cost Bases
Findings from the Evaluation of Cost Bases
Resources and Waste
Overall Results
Full Text
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