
In 1991 a pair of Great Tits successfully reared three Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). Although this finding is not unusual at first glance, the observation gains importance due to the fact that the life history of the foster-mother was — at least partly — well-known. On the 4th of May the Great Tit was discovered for the first time in our study area “breeding on an empty nest” in nest-box G 29. Still “breeding” it was ringed 11 days later (15th of May). On the 6th of June the Great Tit's nest was built over by a nest of Pied Flycatchers, which successfully reared five flycatchers in nest-box G 29. The same day the Great Tit-♀, ringed in nest-box G 29 about three weeks before, was observed in nest-box G 19 brooding three Pied Flycatchers (nest-box G 19 was 80 meters away from G 29). Based on the good care the chicks were given by their foster-mother and a Great Tit-♂ they came along nicely and fledged at the end of June. From that it is clear that Great Tit-♀ found “breeding on empty nests” are thouroughly able to show normal behavior regarding “breeding” and “rearing”.

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