
Abstract: Hand Gesture Recognition has brought a brand new era to Artificial Intelligence. Gesture recognition is technology that interprets hand movements as commands. Gesture Controlled Virtual Artboard Project is an innovative and dynamic digital artboard. Use of this artboard can break various education barrier to provide students with fun and creative way of learning and hence It revolutionize the way of traditional teaching. Physically challenged or aged people find it difficult to identify and press the exact key on keyboard. Existing system allows user for free hand drawing with 3 different colors only. Overcoming all this difficulty stands as the ultimate goal for our proposed system. This system works on motion sensing technology which make use of OpenCV module & Mediapipe library to explicate results based on gestures of hand. Real time data is collected through webcam and this python application uses Mediapipe library to track hand gestures. Hence, this system allows user to navigate the fingers in mid air and as per the finger gestures they will draw different shapes or free hand drawing in various colors and also can erase.This Project also enables users to conduct PowerPoint presentations using gestures.

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