
Efficient stock management and the adoption of technological innovations are crucial factors in guaranteeing a company's success in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market. Based on this realisation, this article aims to address the importance of these two elements for excellence in business management. In order to achieve this objective, bibliographical research was carried out, consisting of analysing various articles, books, theses and dissertations related to the topic in question. The bibliographic methodology allows us to obtain up-to-date, scientifically-based information, which contributes to the reliability and relevance of the results presented. By analysing the results obtained, it was possible to see that efficient stock management provides a series of advantages for organisations, such as cost reduction, increased operational efficiency, improved customer service and greater competitiveness in the market. Finally, it can be concluded that the combination of efficient stock management and technological innovation is fundamental to the success and survival of companies in today's business environment. Organisations that manage to implement these practices effectively are able to stand out in an increasingly dynamic and challenging market. It is therefore essential that companies invest in training their managers and in the use of technologies that favour efficient stock management in order to achieve positive and sustainable results.

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