
The Alagoas Book Biennial is an initiative of the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) organised through its publishing house (Edufal). Consolidated over the years as the biggest cultural event in the state, the Alagoas Book Biennial is the only one organised by a public Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Brazil. Despite its importance for Alagoas, based on data obtained through interviews with people directly linked to the production of the event, it is clear that there are gaps in the preservation of information related to the Book Biennial, directly implying the search for data for the construction of the event every two years and resulting in a problem regarding the management of information for the preservation of its memory, compromising the performance of professionals involved in its realisation. The aim of this article is to describe the main problems with information management for preserving the memory of the Alagoas Book Biennial and to suggest strategies for improvement. As a contribution to practice, it presents a Draft Procedure for Memory Management at the Alagoas Book Biennial, seeking to provide tools for action and a repertoire for the event’s production and execution team.

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