
RésuméIl est rare de retrouver en français un ouvrage aussi volumineux sur le sujet de la psychologie du travail que les huit tomes de 199 articles publiés en 1998 à l'issue du congrès de l'Association de psychologie du travail de langue française. Ces articles de qualité représentent une véritable mine de renseignements et d'outils pratiques. Les recherches présentées sont solides et font appel, pour expliquer des phénomènes complexes, à des méthodes variées telles que l'observation de situations réelles, l'analyse de documents, l'étude de cas a posteriori, le diagnostic à partir de questionnaires ou la vérification empirique d'hypothèses fondées ou non sur des modèles théoriques. On y retrouve plusieurs textes théoriques pouvant fournir aux praticiens comme aux universitaires et chercheurs des pistes de réflexion et des solutions. La multiplicité des cultures représentées, telles que la France, le Québec, la Suisse, la Belgique et les pays du Maghreb, enrichit les analyses et les discussions. Quatre des 8 tomes sont traités dans la présente recension. Les tomes cinq à huit seront présentés dans le numéro de mars 2000.AbstractIn 1998 the Association de psychologie du travail de langue française published 199 articles in eight volumes presenting the analysis and results of researchers from Francophone countries. This review examines the first four volumes. The remaining four volumes will be reviewed in the March 2000 issue. In order to understand organizational and human complex phenomena, the authors of the collection presented in this review used various methodologies such as on‐site observation, case studies, document analysis, diagnostics from questionnaires and empirical verification of hypotheses, some based on theoretical models. Volume 1 deals with managing change from different perspectives, both from the point of view of the individual implementing the change and the individual experiencing it. It includes some very useful tips on how to successfully implement change. The results of the researchers' questioning of current beliefs and ideas in the field of organizational change are presented. Volume 2 deals extensively with work design as an important variable in successful organizational change. Whether in the private or public sector, successful implementation of change requires strong commitment from senior management, partnership with unions, active participation from the employees, constant and well‐thought‐out communication of information, clarity and well‐adapted human resource management systems. Volume 3 covers human resource management practices such as recruitment, training and evaluation, and their impact on individuals and organizations. Empirical and theoretical articles deal with the many traditional and new human resource management practices and the problems that they raise. This volume allows the reader/practitioner to better understand human resources practices and presents various solutions to real day‐to‐day problems. The researcher will find research and theoretical models that offer avenues for future research projects. The 25 articles in Volume 4 allow for a better understanding of the distinction between the often‐confused and taken‐for‐granted concepts of leadership versus power and those of teams versus informal groups. These articles are an important and unique addition to the literature since they provide readers in Quebec and elsewhere with access to scientific publications that reflect cultural Francophone issues that are rarely mentioned in other North American publications.

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