
The present work proposes the gestalt modeling (hereinafter GM) of Ponteio No. 30 by Camargo Guarnieri with the purpose of elaborating a compositional system to be used in the planning of a work for solo piano. The creation of this new work was possible based on observations of the structural dispositions of the ponteio in question, following the suggestions by Tenney (1988) for the musical application of the gestalt law of objective group. The initial purpose of this work was to identify and describe in Ponteio No. 30 these musical suggestions and the relationships between the musical elements in this context. Based on a generalization of these relationships, definitions of the hypothetical system that generated the intertext (Ponteio No. 30) were prepared, which served as the basis for planning the new work. The similarities between the two works occur at a deep level, in an abstract way, while the differences between them reside in the different elements used to fill in the structural archetypes and in the decisions regarding parameters not included in the systemic model. We understand that GM is effective for the creation of new works, since it provides a consistent starting point for compositional planning and gives freedom in choosing the elements that must be inserted in the structures of the models and also outside them. In addition, GM has its analytical potential for coherently presenting new perspectives based on the listener's perception.

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