
Western Himalayan tea represents the status of Geographical Indication in the form of “Kangra Tea” which is unique to the tea grown world over due to its delicate flavor and high quality. The tea germplasm resources of western Himalayan region include selections from the commercial tea estates, abandoned tea gardens of Kangra valley and elite tea clones of CSIR-IHBT, Palampur. Data were recorded for different morphological traits contributing to yield and the biochemical parameters were evaluated using standard HPLC procedures. Multivariate clustering of the data differentiated the germplasm resources into distinct groups based on comparisons among the clusters for leaf size and biochemical parameters. Leaf size differentiated the tea accessions into six phenotypic groups, while shoot density which is an important yield parameter was observed to be independent of leaf size. On the basis of total catechin and caffeine contents, tea accessions were differentiated into nine groups of which Group I in comparison with other groups, recorded the highest total catechin content, moderate to high caffeine level and high astringency factor (AF). Epicatechin gallate (ECG) had a significantly high correlation with AF, implying that high levels of ECG are critical along with corresponding levels of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) for the production of Theaflavin 3,3′digallate (TFDG) which is an important quality constituent providing astringency and briskness to black tea liquor. Sustainability of tea breeding programme can be achieved through organization of germplasm resources and by utilizing elite tea genotypes in breeding programme.

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