
Dialcoylgermanones and dialcoylgermathiones are generated from various germa-heterocyclic precursors and dimeric or trimeric forms (R 2GeO) 2 and (R 2GeS) 3. These species [R 2GeS] (X = O, S) react with various three- or four-membered rings ▪ ( n = 2, Y = O, S, NR, CHCN; n = 3, Y = O, S) to lead to the germaheterocycles ▪ (X = O, S). Cyclogermathianes (R 2GeS) 3 lead very easily, by thermic and catalytic dissociation to the germathiones [R 2GeS]. Basic solvents (Et 3 N, HMPA) and catalysts [(Ph 3P) 2 PdCl 2] induce these dissociations. Mechanism and stereochemistry of insertion reactions of these transient species [R 2GeX] (X = O, S) into oxirane rings are established from cis- and trans-butene oxides. The formation of germanium hexacoordinated intermediate complex can explain the observed stereoselectivity. With germathiones the stereoselectivity derives from the strong nucleophilic activity of these species.

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