
Back to table of contents Previous article Next article Government & LegalFull AccessGerman Velez, M.D., Appointed RFM TrusteeSearch for more papers by this authorPublished Online:26 Apr 2023https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.pn.2023.05.5.45German Velez, M.D., has been appointed the APA resident-fellow member (RFM) trustee for the 2023-2024 term on APA’s Board of Trustees.Velez attended medical school at the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Bogota, Colombia, where he served as a public policy advisor for the city. He is a third-year resident at Boston University Medical Center. He has focused his research on the topics of resilience, systems of care, and health inequities, producing publications on social determinants of child and adolescent mental health and participating in several international youth organizations that promote community well-being through informal education. For example, he presided over the Agora Foundation in Bogota, an organization that develops social, cultural, educational, research, and recreational projects through sports.Velez is the chair of the APA Public Psychiatry Fellowship; a member of the migration work group of the APA Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families; and a member of the APA Presidential Workgroup on the Future of Psychiatry. ■ ISSUES NewArchived

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