
The Berlin Blockade is the important incident that symbolize the fierce conflict between United States and Soviet Union in the cold war period. Stalin blockaded the roads to Berlin but western Allies responded strongly against Stalin’s action. Truman administration had launched Berlin airlift.BR The tension and conflict between United States and Soviet Union in Berlin Blocakde period showed that Both camps had the will and the firm resolution that never concede each other. The reason why we take notice of the Berlin Blockade is this affair was not unilateral crisis to the West but the crisis to both bloc.BR The fact that United Stats did not make any concession, when Stlain blockaded Berlin shows that United States did not have any intention that solve the German Question and did not deny that the division of Germany was a fait accompli. Stalin created crisis through Berlin Blockade but similarly, United States also created crisis through Berlin airlift. Berlin airlift means the strong intention that United States would establish single governement in western occupied zone.BR Marschall Plan and Currency Reform was the plan that strengthen a market economy and prevent the spread of socialim. so, Stalin felt strong threats for this policies of United States. The Berlin Blockade resulted in Berlin airlift, Berlin airlift created another crisis and showed the strong will for the currency reform and Marshall plan. so, Berlin Blockade was not the crisis that only Stalin created, but the crisis that both bloc created. We can see the essence of the Cold War through researching first Berlin Crisis.

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