
AbstractIn German, neutral pronoun, es which corresponds to English it, is said to be used in addition to pronominal uses without any reference. In the tradition of German linguistics, non-referential es has been treated as a formal subject or an expletive that has only syntactic function and no meaning. In this paper, this view is challenged and es is regarded as a construction as a pair of syntactic form and meaning in the sense of Goldberg’s Construction Grammar. According to syntactic differences, non-referential es is classified into three types. In the analysis the semantic characteristics of these types are discussed. Type 1 expresses an objective indication of the existence/occurrence of a spontaneous event, Type 2 expresses an objective indication of the existence/occurrence of a spontaneous event for the experiencer expressed by dative, and Type 3 expresses an indication of the existence/occurrence of a new subject referent in a single episodic event. These constructions are sometimes extended to creative uses. Finally, a unitary account of these constructions is proposed and the correlation is summarized. German es with no specific reference is thus understood as a construction family which shares an objective construal.

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