
In 1995 the German cement industry committed itself to a 20% reduction in its specific fuel energy consumption between 1987 and 2005. In 2000, this commitment has been adapted to the international agreements, particularly to the Kyoto Protocol. Now the voluntary agreement includes a reduction of the specific energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from 1990 to 2008/12 by 28%. As the burning and grinding facilities have been widely optimized during the past years, the German cement industry is planning to increase the substitution of fossil fuels by waste fuels and to promote the marketing of blended cements. From 1987 to 1999 the German cement industry's efforts have led to a reduction of the energy related carbon dioxide emissions by 3.6 million tons per year. The share of waste fuels has been increased from 4 to 23% and the clinker portion in cement has been decreased from 86 to 80.6% by using more granulated blast-furnace slag and unburned limestone as the main constituents in cement. To what extent other instrument like emission trading, joint implementation or clean development mechanism can be used in the future to achieve further reductions, will depend on mutual arrangements and implementation by the international community.

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