
This study aims to analyze virtual relationships, and to identify the characteristics and indicators of the interactions of electronic spaces, within virtual societies, as a social reality parallel to real social reality, the effect of which appears clearly by undermining the real social relations, which suggests the total alienation of the individual from his society and the possibility of solutions. These relationships are the site of real social relationships, and compare them to current social relationships, in terms of contexts of formation, manifestations of permanence, control and commitment to values.Social media has changed the way we live: and the pattern of our life: our actions interactions and relationships, woven a new reality that has brought modern societies out of their local geographic features into global spaces, and established the emergence of a virtual cosmic urbanism, entities whose members do not share only their values and cultures, but rather share their thoughts and emotions, their interests and goals, all within a relational network marked by strength and intimacy at times, and fragile and superficial at other times.And this leads us to ask whether if these virtual relationships are a new type of social ties, whose concepts and connotations go beyond traditional ones, or are they an extension of the real social relationships, so that their concepts remain implicit in the connotation of the larger concept of social relationships, forming a holistic conceptual, overlapping and complementary.In order to be able to investigate the connotation and dimensions of virtual social relations, we must refer to the sociological heritage related to social ties, to examine the characteristics of virtual relations, and to understand their links to real social relations. And this is what we will try to answer in this research paper.

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