
Radargrammetric digital elevation models (relative and absolute DEMs) were obtained from Fine-Mode RADARSAT-1 stereo-pairs (F2, F5) and evaluated with regard to their altimetric information. The DEM extractions were based on a geometric modeling (RADARSAT-1 Specific) available at the OESE software (PCI Geomatics). The planimetric features were extracted from digital integrated Fine/ETM+ Landsat 7 products. Precise planialtimetric information from DGPS (differential global positioning system) field campaign was used as GCPs (ground control points), for the modeling of the absolute DEM and the orthorectification of the radar and optical data, or as ICP (independent check points), for the calculation of planialtimetric accuracy of the topographic map. The planialtimetric accuracy of the topographic map has met the requirements for 1:100,000-map (semi-detailed scale), class B, as requested by the Brazilian Standard for Cartographic Accuracy (PEC). The investigation was carried out as an INPE-Geoambiente’s project with funds from FAPESP and supported by CVRD.

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