
<p>This Research reveals the role of the Community Cup Kamisan.<br />A community that started its operations from discussions talk think<br />(cups) in the core of the house of the host. Anxiety the pegiatnya<br />consisting of academics, activists, journalists, citizen, teachers,<br />businessmen, were enterprising, and various creative community<br />city. Kamisan Cup community is attempting to revive the role of the<br />various entities in the City Metro Lampung with spirit to build the<br />collective intellectual property. Lampung province which is known<br />with various ethnic conflict, through collective intellectual movement<br />is starting to realize the importance of building togetherness. Borrowed<br />the term Arnold J. Toynbe namely build «creative minority” namely Cups<br />Kamisan community efforts to build the city with the empowerment of<br />various community entities.<br />Kamisan Cup community is a multicultural community who<br />are also trying to develop a creative economy. Consists of various<br />backgrounds from academics, Student activists, journalists, creative<br />citizens, religious leaders unite the idea of building a social movement.<br />Many changes occur from build Citizen journalism portal pojoksamber.<br />com, House Together, research institution Sai Wawai Institute,<br />publication of indie Sai Wawai Publishing, and establish Waste Bank<br />Green cups. In addition many movements of other creative economy<br />that is done by this community. E.g. with began to build the other<br />creative economy documentary, music, and handicrafts.<br />Intellectual Property and the community experienced a<br />because it is based on the logic of politics and keilmuwan at the time<br />of the formation of the term intellectual property. “intellectuals” born<br />from social classes who do claim against the injustice done by the state.<br />The state since the formation, have special characters in the form of<br />domination. In the second phase of the state that is free, that domination<br />continues to the community. In this case, researchers intend to explore<br />the role of the Community Cup Kamisan answer the challenge in<br />building the structure of the output of the community and are able<br />to progress and work for the community. The collective intellectual<br />discourse interesting to examined as part of the responsibility of<br />universities build changes through the way intellectualism naturally<br />dissipate namely knowledge. The meaning of this research is to<br />examine more in the role of the Community Cup Kamisan in building<br />the creative economy in the City of Metro Lampunng</p>

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